
⚠️ Both questions and answers here are given by the community. Be careful and double check the answers before using them.
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Imagine you have a jar of 500 coins. 1 out of 500 is a coin with two heads and all the others have a tail and a head. You take a random coin from the jar and flip it 8 times. You observe heads 8 consecutive time. Are the chances that you took the coin with two heads higher than having drawn a regular coin with a head and a tail?

The main tool is Bayes Theorem.

Define A the event of tossing the chosen coin and having heads 8 times, B_1 and B_2 the events of choosing the special and fair coins respectivly. We compute the odd of choosing the special coin over the fair one given the event A.

If this odd is greater than 1, then the answer is yes. Otherwise, no.

By Bayes theorem (some manipulations),

The second ratio is the odd of choosing the special coin over the fair one. It equals 1/499.

The first ratio is 1/(1/2)^8 = 256.

So the odd of choosing the special coin over the fair one given the event A is 256/499 which <1. Hence there is a lower chance that we took the special coin than the fair one.

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